Wolo Foundation

Helping families affected by cancer in Sussex

Our WOLO Wellness programme uses exercise as a tool to improve the way we think and feel.

Our WOLO Wellness programme uses exercise as a tool to improve the way we think and feel. Exercise can return focus, release stress and improve your wellbeing. It’s especially important for those living with cancer and beyond to maintain a good level of overall fitness.

Being physically active has so many benefits for the body and mind. Regular exercise can even help to prevent cancer and lesson side effects of treatment; by reducing inflammation, keeping weight under control and boosting the immune system.

We know that everyone is different in terms of how much exercise they can do, which is why everything we do is tailored for all abilities.

Research has found that being physically active can help to reduce certain types of cancer, like breast, bowel and womb. Exercise can also help with weight, and research has found that obesity can lead to a higher risk of 13 different types of cancer to read more https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/.../exercise-guidelines

We have a Wolo Wellness Running Group, with our fantastic running coach Darren Evans. Darren is a UK athletics level 2 endurance running coach and Wolo ambassador. It’s not just for runners, all abilities are welcome - anyone who wants to enjoy some fresh air, movement and meet some like-minded people. It’s fun, friendly and challenging - a great start to the day!

“Running has acted as a distraction for my partner and kept him engaged with normal life since my cancer as it massively affected him too. He also wanted to remain strong for the kids – happily, all the kids now cycle with him while he runs, so it’s something we can do together.” If you want to join us please contact darren@wolofoundation.org

We collaborate with Cuckmere Cycle Co. That help us with bikes/e-bikes for Wolo Wellness Cycling groups, who meet fortnightly and cycle around the forest. For those who need an extra boost we can hire e-bikes, which are easier to ride but also have very similar benefits to a normal bike - you still need to pedal but it’s much easier to get up those hills! In fact, cycling has so many benefits, being a lower impact exercise and it’s also great for your mental health. We aim inspire to help people affected by cancer to connect with others, feel welcome and stay active.

“It was the first time I had used an e-bike and was so much fun! I forgot all about my worries and had a great time. If it wasn’t for Wolo I never would have gone, so thank you much! I can’t wait for next time!”

Here at Wolo we are embarking on a mission to inspire people/families to live their lives to the full and help savour every moment.

If you want to come and join us on the bikes please contact justin@wolofoundation.org

Without you we wouldn’t be able to grow and help so many families. So from all of us at Wolo and all of the families we have helped and continue to help everyday - thank you! #weonlyliveonce


We only live once - WOLO! #weonlyliveonce #WOLO #cancer #sevensisters #fristonforest #natureheals #rideinstyle #sussexcharity #helpingthecommunity #learnthroughexperience #livingyourbestlife #inspire #motivation #mentalfitness #ridewithus #running #runtogether

Copyright© Wolo Foundation 2025. Wolo Foundation is a registered charity no. 1188412
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