Sober Saturday
Today I joined a number of inspirational people for Sober Saturday zoom chat including @clare_pooley and Julia Carson from @soberpositive where we discussed cravings, and our own individual coping strategies especially since lockdown. In the space of 4 months I have found huge benefits of giving up alcohol. My family being one of them. I know I had to step up after my wife fought cancer. I wanted my wife and kids to see that I was able be the best Dad I could be, and that they would be safe with me no matter what life threw at us.
Have you or your partner ever turned your back on alcohol and seen the benefits. If so what have those been?
#healing #positivity #gratitude #recovery #charity #cancercommunity #cancerawareness #stillsober #mentalhealth #cancerresearch #cancersurvivor #mentalhealthawareness #weonlyliveonce #wolofoundation #wolo