Wolo Foundation

Helping families affected by cancer in Sussex

WoloFest 2022

Our annual family festival, WoloFest, happened for the second year running at the weekend. It nearly didn’t due to the yellow weather warning, but shuffling it forward 24 hours meant we pulled it off! The sun shone, the wolo community came together, and memories were made.

Thank you to everyone that came along/donated/volunteered to help make WoloFest such a special day for so many families and friends. Cancer bought us all together -

we are now a Wolo community. We must celebrate life. We must share it with our loved ones. We helped to create moments that families will cherish forever. We missed those of you that couldn’t be there.

It was a great team effort! We couldn't have done it without you all

We want to continue to grow, to continue to support families on their cancer journeys, and continue to inspire you to live your lives to the full.

Wolo supports the whole family, not just those diagnosed, and provides regular family events to reduce isolation/loneliness. We also offer practical help, opportunities to improve mental health and overall wellness, and encourage everyone to live their best lives. You are helping to make a big difference to the all the families that we help. Thank you

#wolofest #sustainable #recycle #wolojuicebike

#weonlyliveonce #wolo #cancer #sussex #familyiseverything #supportourseafordcharities #charityevent #charity

Helping to create long lasting memories that will last a lifetime.

We work together with @unplugged.rest with families we support to give them a much need rest and rehabilitation. The whole experience with Unplugged totally fits with our values at @wolofoundation

“My time at unplugged was just what the doctor ordered. I've had a year of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and next week I go under the knife to have the tumour in my bowel removed. Having this break in between was perfect, especially with the encouragement to disconnect from the digital world and get into nature, reading and time with my wife”

We believe finding the time to switch off can be hard, which is why it so important relax and spend time surrounded by nature.

Helping to create long lasting memories that will last a lifetime.

Take on a Challenge for Wolo Foundation

Join Team Wolo and help people find the confidence to smile in the face of life-threatening illness. There is something for everyone and we'll be here to help you every step of the way.

We have lots of exciting Wolo challenge events throughout the year too.

Sporting challenges are a really popular way to raise money but they don't have to be as tough as they sound. There are a host of walks, runs and bike rides, as well as the tougher challenges like marathons, triathlons, swims and skydives for the adrenaline seekers out there.

From Survival to the Savannah

If ever you need inspiration, then Marcos Jarvis and his family are so lovely and has been a real honour for us at WOLO Foundation

Marcos was told his cancer diagnosis was terminal is now completing a gruelling challenge to raise money for charity.

Two years ago, Marcos Jarvis had just completed a marathon when he was told he had stage 4 liver cancer and that nothing could be done to stop its spread.

He was working as a renovation builder and living with his wife Hannah Jarvis and son in Hailsham.

Marcos used his passion for running to take on the disease.

The 47-year-old said: “I had 12 tumours on my liver and had 35 rounds of chemotherapy.

“I made some major changes to my life. I used my running to alleviate the fatigue and nausea and gradually my sickness levels decreased as my fitness improved.

“There were days when I didn’t want to run but I pushed myself through.”

Marcos became a vegan, took regular cold showers and (Wim Hof) ice baths, and practised Tai Chi.

He added: “My three-monthly CT scans indicated that my tumours were shrinking.

“The last scan showed they had gone. Now I want to focus on helping and supporting other people with cancer.

"I want to show them that they too can change their lives.”

During his treatment Marcos and his family were supported by Wolo, the Sussex-based charity that supports families on their cancer journeys – from diagnosis, through treatment and after.

Now, Marcos has defied the odds and is about to travel to the South African bush in KwaZulu Natal province to embark on a 100-mile run over five days.

With guides and conservationists, Marcos will map out the route that will be taken by runners and walkers raising funds for Wolo (We Only Live Once).

Co-founder and trustee Justin Wright said: “Marcos is an inspiration. We are delighted that he is taking on our South Africa challenge to raise funds for Wolo.

“We are now looking for 30 intrepid explorers to run, walk or trek along African bush game trails to help us continue our vital support for local families dealing with cancer.

“Marcos will set the route for us and our fundraisers will follow in his footsteps in October.”

As well as raising money, the Wolo Africa 100 will focus on the conservation work being supported by Eastbourne-based African trek specialists Angus Wingfield founder of Africa Wild Trails - Ventures, Field Studies, Expeditions

There are still places and details are available:



If you would like to sponsor Marcos you can on the link below


#WOLO #WeOnlyLiveOnce #mentalhealth #cancer #familyiseverything #WOLOmoments #sussexbusiness #sussex #friendship #community #trailrun #trekking #inspirational

Daddy & Daughter Day

These photos are WONDERFUL! Thank you so much EH Salon, Bexhill for holding the event, raising money for us (an amazing £322.50!) and for creating some fabulous memories for those that attended. THANK YOU!

Copyright© Wolo Foundation 2025. Wolo Foundation is a registered charity no. 1188412
Design: Designerwright
