Wolo Foundation

Helping families affected by cancer in Sussex

October is breast cancer awareness month

I was honoured to be part of this Flat Friends UK - Registered Charity 1168730 photo shoot. All of these women have chosen to remain flat after surgery. It’s a very personal decision, and one that I feel comfortable with. The thought of bearing all was very ‘eeky’, but knowing we’ve all been through a similar journey was empowering, and it felt good (even in the )! Just from looking at the photo, you can see cancer affects people of all ages, shapes snd sizes. I used to have a large chest, and it actually feels liberating to jump around like I just don’t care and not have to worry about them anymore Boobs are overrated anyway - mine tried to kill me, please check yours!

My first thoughts were that posting these photos is the bravest thing I’ve ever done, but actually, I don’t give a toss what anyone thinks. I am surviving and thriving and that’s the bravest thing I’ve ever done. We are all warriors

Thank you to Sam Dade S A M D A D E Creative Culture for capturing me at my finest

Copyright© Wolo Foundation 2025. Wolo Foundation is a registered charity no. 1188412
Design: Designerwright
